Discover what truly motivates you.

The TruCenter assessment reveals much more than your personality type or your strengths. It unlocks your deepest motivations, allowing you to show up as your best self and engage in truly meaningful ways.

Learn About The Assessment

The TruCenter Assessment

The only narrative-based assessment rooted in faith, backed by science, and powered by story

Every person has unique success stories that shape their identity and reveal who God made them to be and what His calling is on their life. TruCenter pairs those stories with more than 60 years of validated scientific research to provide the life-giving, motivation-driven insights needed to connect members of your church to their purpose and their unique place in God’s Kingdom.

TruCenter helps people:

  • Embrace who they are and how God made them.
  • Show up and add value to a family, team, or group.
  • Identify activities that are meaningful and fulfilling.
  • Grow spiritually and align their strengths and gifts.
  • Contribute in a fulfilling way.

When people truly see themselves and their role in God’s plan, they step up to become a vital part of ministrY at its best.

TruCenter + Your Church
Church group praying together
A church group putting their hands all in together

Experience Deep Satisfaction as you fulfill God’s calling on your life

TruCenter empowers people to lean into their uniqueness and step into greatness. It provides the tools and insights they need to show up at their best each day and fully engage in the work God has prepared for them wherever He leads.


at their best

When you understand motivation and God’s purpose for a life, you can engage on a deeper level, create transformation, and amplify God’s blessings, and maximize your impact.


at their best

When individuals understand their core motivations within a team and their interactions with one another, it enhances communication and collaboration, facilitates collective problem-solving, and unites efforts towards a shared goal.


at their best

When people understand their motivations and those closest to them, they can have more meaningful conversations and deeper engagement.


at its best

When people embrace who they are, their unique purpose, and God’s calling on their lives, they have more confidence, they’re happier, and they feel more satisfied in every aspect of their lives.

Personality tests and strength assessments are missing one critical factor that impacts the success of a church’s ministries and missions

The truth is, being good at something doesn’t mean someone enjoys doing it. A person can be using their strengths in a role that fits their personality and still feel uninspired and unfulfilled.

What’s missing is motivation!

With TruCenter, you discover what motivates people and what lights them up and makes them feel happy and fulfilled. This helps people connect with the right environments in the right way.

Two women singing in church

Discover what drives engagement and connection

TruCenter reveals an individual’s calling, what God has uniquely purposed them for, and what motivates them to seek a stronger connection to their faith and connect in places that provide mutual fulfilment.

Understand what makes someone come alive

Assessment results highlight why an individual immerses themselves in some activities, yet struggles to care about other activities. They also explain what gives someone life and inspires them to become who God intends them to be.

Learn what makes someone tick

TruCenter helps explains whey people get immersed in some activities but fail to engage in others.

Faith + Science + Story = Relevant actionable results

TruCenter combines faith, science, and an individual’s own lived experiences and stories to uncover their motivations.

Unlike other personality assessments, TruCenter starts with a person’s own stories of achievement and fulfillment, asks questions about those experiences, and uses 60+ years of validated scientific methodology, decades of research on high performance and motivation, and insights from millions of shared stories to reveal their motivations.

Take the TruCenter Assessment

During this 30-minute assessment, you’ll follow prompts to share a few of your most meaningful stories of achievement and fulfillment. You’ll then answer questions about different parts of your stories using a simple 1-10 ranking scale.

Get personalized results.

All TruCenter reports are personalized, relevant, and immediately actionable. You will discover what motivates you, experience aha moments, gain clarity, and learn how God wired you.

Embrace and apply newfound insights

Your results unlock more tools you can apply in every area of your life.

TruCenter creates meaningful and lasting change because it addresses the WHY behind decisions, actions, and feelings

A group holding hands and praying

When you truly see yourself and are truly seen by others, you can embrace what makes you naturally extraordinary and shine your brightest — and that’s good for everyone.

Getting started is easy!

Take the TruCenter assessment, and check it out for yourself in about 30 minutes.

Get Started Today